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Julius Steiglechner / GyriGauge
MIT LicenseIn this package, we want to provide the functionality to evaluate segmentation quality.
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PUBLIC repo defining an NGINX docker micro-service. This enables the host machine reverse proxy present web pages from other services.
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Joachim Tesch / smplx_blender_addon
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalSMPL-X Blender add-on code-only repository. Does not contain SMPL-X model data. See installation instructions on how to obtain prebuilt add-on release with all required data files. Default body model: SMPL-X locked head (no head bun)
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AG_Henning / MR_spectroS
MIT LicenseUpdated -
AGPD_Public / sab_pybasicbayes
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Script allows reading and changing the values of all connected Basler cameras on a system. Master computer with several DVR's
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Sebastian Bruijns / sab_pyhsmm
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sebastian Bruijns / sab_pybasicbayes
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Jakob Hollenstein / Mujoco Py
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Shashank Singh / Indirect Active Learning
MIT LicenseUpdated -